Saturday 16 April 2011


I really really want to weigh myself!! I am so proud of myself because i have stuck to this diet 100% for a whole week! I know that is nothing compared to how long i have to be on this diet but still, it's not many of my diets that last a week following it to the book for a whole week. I am very proud of myself *insert massive smiley face here* However, weigh in day isn't until tuesday and i am desperate to know how i have done. I will be truly gutted if i haven't lost anything though or, even worse, GAINED weight....i don't see how that is possible though as i have been so unbelievably good. I am getting into the swing of it now and it doesn't seem so hard. I use up a lot of my syns in sugar in my tea and coffee and i really need to stop that as it doesn't leave much room for any other little treats from time to time. I have just had a ryvita with reduced fat brussels pate though which was yummy and only 3 syns. With two cups of tea with 2 level teaspoons of sugar in each (4 syns in total), a level teaspoon of light spread on my sandwhich this afternoon (1.5 syns) and my ryvita with 1 level tablespoon of pate (3 syns in total) that takes today up to 8.5 syns. I am thinking of doing some form of stew for tea so that will be nice and syn free. I do need to cut down on my sugar so from now on i am going to cut down to one sugar. This will be hard as i have always loved my milky sugary tea. I am going to miss it but, i guess two sugars in each isn't very good for the body. Another thing i need to start doing is having breakfast!! I have been really bad at having breakfast recently. I am missing a whole meal and it is the most important meal of the day. I have been better with my water today though and drank two pints! I'm getting good at this dieting lark!

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