Thursday 21 April 2011

Doing well!!

Still going strong on the old diet front. Despite being overly tempted by our local indian take-away. I am still not eating breakfast!! I weighed myself again today because i was convinced i was on the wrong path but turns out i've lost another 1lb. Very chuffed indeed. 5lb in less than two weeks is very good going i think and i am very proud of myself. I think even last time i dieted i had a chicken kebab from our local kebab house by now! 2 weeks with no take-away is definately a massive achievement for this household. Today i had a ham salad butty and a banana for lunch and salmon with boiled potatoes, green beans and brocolli for tea. I also had a ryvita cracker with low fat pate on. I am still having one sugar in my tea which has brought my daily syn allowance right down! I can keep this up, just need some motivation from somewhere as i don't seem to have any at the moment. I do want to lose weight but it appears i do not want to diet to do so. Unfortunately the only other option is surgery and i'm really not sure i am willing to go to such lengths. My next mini target is to get under 13stone. Only 6lb left until i am. I sometimes just feel like i have such a long way to go. I am most definately never letting myself get fat again!! far too much trouble to lose weight. I miss foooooooood. I am in a bad mood today mainly because i am sick of dieting already. I have a long way to go yet though

Tuesday 19 April 2011


I have just ordered Jillian Michaels 30-day shred DVD after reading about it on a weight loss forum. It sounds tough but apparently you can lose upto 20lb in 30 days so, i'm giving it a whirl. I have Charlie Brooks weight loss dvd but living in a 3rd floor apartment it can be tough doing a work-out dvd without annoying the neighbours. I'm sure they don't want to listen to the elephant dancing around above them haha. Anyway, my new dvd should be here tomorrow and my partner is going to do it with me. It sounds quite tough but i am feeling rather motivated at the moment to do this so hopefully it won't seem so hard.
  I have had 2 ryvita crackers with pate on and some pasta bolognese for lunch today. Was rather yummy. I even put courgettes in it which i hate and i ate them. Made sure i couldn't taste them in with all the other stuff. I am thinking of having something with fish for tea but not quite sure what. We were meant to have pork chops last night but ended up having home-made chicken kebabs in wholemeal pitta bread with slimming world chips instead. I went to tesco at 11pm to get some fruit as we had pretty much run out and spent over £30 on fruit and veg. It was worth it though, we now have a nice selection of snacks in the house for when we are peckish.
   I am craving an indian so badly. I would cut off a limb to go to our local indian restaurant tonight. The cravings have started pretty bad these past couple of days. I want take-aways and crisps and chocolate and cake!!! :( My partner is being really supportive so hopefully i will stay on track

Monday 18 April 2011


Well, i couldn't resist. Today i went and weighed myself - 4lb off!!! YES!! check me out! So pleased. I am very proud of myself for this week. I have cut down to 1 sugar in my tea as well. I am quite enjoying one sugar. I am over the moon with 4lb loss, so happy. I am also very proud of my other half who has also lost 3lb! We are going to be thin and fit in no time haha. I missed breakfast again this morning but nothing new there and i am still not drinking enough water. A few little niggles that need sorting out with regards to this diet. Well, i planned on losing 1lb a week until the holiday so even if i don't have another loss for 4 weeks (as long as i don't gain any) i will still be on track. Although i am hoping that i will lose more in the next 4 weeks. I am a very happy girly today as you can probably tell but i still don't have much of an appetite. I have only had a peice of ham and a bit of pasta salad for my dinner and i am so full. Tonights tea will be pork chops (all fat removed) with potatoes, peas and gravy. I'm not sure what i am going to do with the potatoes yet though. Boiled or mashed? I have set myself a bunch of mini goals to achieve, that way it doesn't look so daunting. My next mini goal is to get below 13st. So, 7lb off will get me to 12st 13lb. My next mini goal after that will be getting into single lb figures so 12st 9lb. If i reach 12st 9lb it will be the lightest i have been since having my little girl. The last time i dieted i got down to 12st 10lb before giving up so it will be an achievement. Lets hope for another good loss next week to get me well on my way

Sunday 17 April 2011

Another slimming world picnic

We packed up another slimming world picnic today and headed off out. I forgot breakfast - AGAIN! Although when we got to our destination, which was a lovely lake with a nature trail and some picnic areas, i wasn't even that hungry. I ate a salmon and cucumber sandwhich and a hard boiled egg and a little bit of chicken and that was it. I am meant to be having boiled ham with roast potatoes, carrots and spring greens with gravy for my tea but i'm still not hungry. I had a small (very small) bowl of pasta with tuna and kidney beans earlier and an apple but i don't know what is wrong with me today. I am still craving weighing myself but i only have to wait until the day after tomorrow and i get to see how well i have done this week. My partner has already got a t-shirt that fits him better than it did last week!! I will be gutted and up my game if he has lost more than me!! haha, i will be very proud of him of course. He used a few of his syns today on a nice cake, it looked delicious....i was salavating just watching him eat it but i know all my willpower and hard work would disappear in an instant if i let that soft, crumbly sponge pass my lips. I have had a day of cravings today. Fish and chips mainly. Fish, chips, mushy peas and a nice cuppa for afters - may be even an ice cream....mmmmmm. Instead i had all the things i didn't want. I was very restrained though and am proud of myself. One more day till weigh in, i just hope i have done ok.

Saturday 16 April 2011


I really really want to weigh myself!! I am so proud of myself because i have stuck to this diet 100% for a whole week! I know that is nothing compared to how long i have to be on this diet but still, it's not many of my diets that last a week following it to the book for a whole week. I am very proud of myself *insert massive smiley face here* However, weigh in day isn't until tuesday and i am desperate to know how i have done. I will be truly gutted if i haven't lost anything though or, even worse, GAINED weight....i don't see how that is possible though as i have been so unbelievably good. I am getting into the swing of it now and it doesn't seem so hard. I use up a lot of my syns in sugar in my tea and coffee and i really need to stop that as it doesn't leave much room for any other little treats from time to time. I have just had a ryvita with reduced fat brussels pate though which was yummy and only 3 syns. With two cups of tea with 2 level teaspoons of sugar in each (4 syns in total), a level teaspoon of light spread on my sandwhich this afternoon (1.5 syns) and my ryvita with 1 level tablespoon of pate (3 syns in total) that takes today up to 8.5 syns. I am thinking of doing some form of stew for tea so that will be nice and syn free. I do need to cut down on my sugar so from now on i am going to cut down to one sugar. This will be hard as i have always loved my milky sugary tea. I am going to miss it but, i guess two sugars in each isn't very good for the body. Another thing i need to start doing is having breakfast!! I have been really bad at having breakfast recently. I am missing a whole meal and it is the most important meal of the day. I have been better with my water today though and drank two pints! I'm getting good at this dieting lark!

Friday 15 April 2011

naughty naughty naughty

I have been so bad today! It is now nearly 10pm and i haven't eaten a single thing :( I am just waiting for my tea of homemade green chicken massala with rice and half a chapati. It's my own fault. I have been asleep nearly all day, i have been so so tired. In a way though, even though i know it can be counter productive i feel quite good about the fact that i haven't eaten anything. That is a bad way of thinking and i really need to get out of it before it becomes habbit. When i was younger i did have anorexic tendencies. It all started when i was in school because i was a big girl and i did get called "fatty" and other things that i don't want to repeat. When i left school i decided enough was enough and went on the slim fast diet and started taking diet pills. I didn't follow the diet the way i was suppose to and didn't really eat solid food for weeks, only the odd bit to keep me going. I went down from a size 16 to a size 8 and ended up being really ill for quite a while. I don't want to go back to that so really need to keep an eye on my eating habbits. Although, if i had kept an eye on my eating habbits i wouldn't be on this diet in the first place. Ah the irony.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Massive motivation boost

I remembered today that i had joined a weight loss forum last year when i started slimming world the first time and today i logged back in. I had a look at some before and after pictures that people have posted and they all look fantastic!! It has been a really big motivation booster for me because i know how much i want to do this. It gets hard sometimes when temptation kicks in but i think i am finally getting into the swing of it. I just hope i have lost something this week as i think if i have put on then it will put me on a really bad downer. I want to get back to the gym, i just wish it wasn't so expensive. It is £30 a month each for me and my partner. Another thing that makes this diet hard is him sometimes. He is a big foody and being part Spanish loves his olive oil and bread. I must admit, i am missing bread. Before dieting i ate a lot of pate on toast, somtimes upto 6 slices a day and now i can only have one i am missing it quite a lot. I did buy some reduced fat brussels pate from tesco last night which is only 2.5syns for 28g. I have missed breakfast again today!! I have been having bad nights with my little girl recently and as she is in nursery today i thought i would take the oppertunity to catch up on some sleep - didn't plan on sleeping till midday. I am just about to have a slimming world friendly full english. Although the sausage is 5syns :( Sausage, bacon, beans, egg, tomatoes, potato cubes and a piece of toast :) nom nom. Then for tea i think i am going to make a nice cottage pie with veg.
   A big problem for me at the moment is drinking. I barely drink anything through-out the day and i really need to drink more water. Cordial and juice is all synful so i can only have it occasionally. I do need to start drinking more. May be a "drink alarm" is in order.